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Alinco DJ-CRX6 Handy Talky

Alinco DJ-CRX6 is a dual band HT that has a full range of features, such as memory programming, automatic scanning, and fingerprint transmittrants, which makes it the right choice for active amateur radio users.

This Handy Talky comes with a clear and readable LCD screen, which displays the information required by the user. In addition, the DJ-CRX6 also comes with an easy-use keypad, so users can operate this rig radio quickly and easily.

HT Alinco DJ-CRX6 Frequency
VHF : 136 – 174Mhz
UHF : 350 – 390Mhz


Weight: 900 g
Dimensions: 26.5×20×7 cm
Brands: Alinco
Frequency: Dual band

Technical Specification

Brand: Alinco
PxLxT unit : 11.6 x 6.1 x 4.0 cm
Channel : 199 Channel
Unit Weight : 227 gr
Output max : VHF 5 watts, UHF 4 watts


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